As of the time of writing, no changes have yet been announced to the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) service following the results of the EU referendum. The United Kingdom NHS is continuing to provide the EHIC service and and a card can be applied for simply online.
You can apply for or renew an EHIC using the official EHIC online application form. Please be aware of unofficial websites, offering an EHIC medical card which may charge if you apply for a card via them as the service is actually Free of charge!
During a temporary stay, a valid European Health Insurance Card will grant you the right to access state-provided healthcare.
What treatment can I expect with my EHICS Card?
You should be able to expect the same treatment as if you were a resident in that country. This is usually either at a reduced rate or entirely free for Uk residents with an EHICS card.
Routine maternity care is covered by the EHICS as long as the reason four trip abroad is not to specifically give birth or seek treatment. Pre-existing medical conditions are also covered by the EHICS medical card.
It is therefore a good idea to have both an EHIC and to take out suitable travel insurance before you travel abroad. It has been reported that some insurance companies require that you have an EHIC card too and will actually not charge excesses when you confirm that yours is valid.
Online Application Forms can be found by copying ths adddress into your address bar: